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A young woman considering adoption

Considering Adoption?

There are a variety of adoption plans you can make. Will it be open or closed?  Will it be private or will you use an adoption agency? You have the opportunity to be in control of the adoption process. We can help provide referrals and help answer your adoption questions such as:
  • What is the best option for my situation?
  • What types of adoption exist, and which one is best for me?

The Pros and Cons of Adoption

You have many things to consider when looking at the adoption option.  Will it be open or closed? Will it be private or will you use an adoption agency?  You are the one who makes that choice.
If you are considering adoption, here are a few outcomes for you to consider:

You choose what is best for you and your child
You have the opportunity to get to know your child without the day-to-day responsibilities
You pay nothing. All expenses are paid by the adoptive family
You have complete control over the entire process, choosing the right family for your child
You may experience emotional challenges as you release your child
A young woman wondering if adoption is a fit for her

We are here to provide support and answers to your questions regarding adoption so you can make an informed decision about your pregnancy.

Adoption Types

Open Adoption

An open adoption means that you will still have the opportunity to communicate with your child and your child’s adoptive family. You can share information with the parents and learn more about them. You will also have the chance to meet the parents before finalizing the adoption. After the adoption, you can continue to learn about your child and continue communicating based on an agreed upon basis.

Closed Adoption

A closed adoption means that you will not share any of your personal information with the adoptive parents. All communication between you and the parents will be handled by a third party figure, like an attorney. You will also not have any contact with your child until he or she turns 18, at which point the child may request to get in touch with you.

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